To the precise extent…..
Pg. 66 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous uses this phrase about resentments, but it always seems to me that this could be used for any of the difficulties …
Social Anxiety Adults
Social anxiety is painful and anguishing. It can interfere with social functioning, relationships and career. Social anxiety is characterized by: Marked and persistent fear of one or more social or …
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Adults
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is likely to affect 2% of the population at some point in their life. The disorder is equally common in males and females. Obsessions are: Recurrent or persistent …
Panic Disorder Adults
Panic Disorder is the experience of panic attacks followed by ongoing concern and worry about having another panic attack and/or worry about the possible consequences of a panic attack. There …
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Adults
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is: A. Excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not, for at least six months, about a number of events or activities, such as work or …
Depression Fact Sheet
How Psychotherapy Helps People Recover From Depression According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 18.8 million adult Americans suffer from depression during any one-year period. Many do …
Depression Adults
Depression affects a significant portion of the population. It is estimated that 7-12% of men and 20-25% of women will have a major depressive episode at some point in their …
Types Anxiety and Depressive Disorder Adults
Anxiety & Depressive Disorders in Adults Depression Depression Fact Sheet Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Social Anxiety